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Alumni Programs
& Services

As Banyan grows, we want to continue to engage our alumni through support of our team and peer to peer. We have now migrated our private alumni group into one big happy family. As a member of this group, ONLY other members will be able to see what you post and that you are part of it. Your posts, your membership, as well as other members, will not be seen outside of the group.

Need meeting info? Find and join a meeting online from the links below.

Alumni from all locations welcome! – 6PM EST / 2PM AKDT
Options are to join through the teams app, online browser, or dial in option

Dial-In Option: (312) 754-8060 | Phone Conference ID: 682 221 928#

Teams Meeting ID: 267 450 736 728 
Password: ZgjG9k

West Coast Alumni Meeting
Alumni from all locations welcome!
Options are to join through the teams app, online browser, or dial in option

Dial-In Option: (312) 754-8060 | Phone Conference ID: 387 599 852#

Teams Meeting ID: 297 168 469 952 
Password: 5orBsn

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Every Monday Night – 6PM EST / 2PM AKDT
Options are to join through the teams app, or online browser option

Teams Meeting ID: 276 804 503 270 
Password: H3mXpX

Thursdays from 3PM – 4PM EST
Alumni from all locations welcome!
3:00PM EST / 2:00PM CST / 11:00AM AKDT
All Alumni Welcome.
Options are to join through the teams app, online browser, or dial in option

Dial-In Option: (312) 754-8060 | Phone Conference ID: 950 860 687#

Teams Meeting ID: 212 057 001 285
Password: ykV3Tk